Claudio Bruno
Research Professor
Ph.D. Princeton University
Turbulent reacting flow simulations, hypersonics, compressible reacting flows.

Reza Sheikhi
Associate Professor-in-Residence
Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh
Computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, combustion including modeling and simulation of multiphysics turbulent flows and high performance computing.

Francesco Carbone
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. University of Naples
Multiphase reactive flows and reaction kinetics, transport phenomena, aerosol dynamics, and nanoparticles synthesis.

Chih-Jen Sung
Clean Energy Fund Professor
Ph.D. Princeton University
Experimental and computational combustion, propulsion, laser diagnostics, flame structure, detailed and reduced chemistry, flame extinction, ignition, and stabilization, alternative fuel utilization, soot and NOx formation, spray combustion, clean combustion technology.

Baki M. Cetegen
UTC Chair Professor
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology
Experiments in reacting and high temperature flows, laser diagnostics, turbulent premixed flames, flame blowout and near blowoff flame dynamics, buoyant flame instabilities and flame dynamics.

Bryan Weber
Assistant Professor-in-Residence
Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Development of computational tools for combustion analysis, open-source platform for thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport calculations (Cantera), development and application of experimental techniques, particularly for ignition measurements at engine-relevant conditions.

Tianfeng Lu
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Princeton University
Chemical kinetic mechanism reduction and computational flame diagnostics, directed relation graph (DRG), analytically solved linearized quasi steady state approximations (LQSSA), dynamic chemical stiffness removal for stiff chemistry, dynamic adaptive chemistry based on the DRG method, and analytic Jacobian for expedited chemistry solver and computational flame diagnostics.

Xinyu Zhao
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Xinyu Zhao is actively working on developing high-fidelity models for turbulent combustion and radiative heat transfer, with applications spanning from aeronautical combustors, power generation and fire suppression. She is also interested in harnessing power from modern cyberinfrastructure and data analytics to solve pressing challenges on energy and environment.

Alexei Poludnenko
Associate Professor
Ph.D. University of Rochester
Aerospace propulsion, chemical and thermonuclear combustion, turbulence in reacting and non-reacting flows, computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing, space weather, plasma physics, and magnetohydrodynamics.